The Farrells

The Farrells
Matt, Nicki, Owen and Nora live in the San Francisco Bay area. Matt is a research analyst at CBRE and is loving his job. Nicki spends her time playing with Owen and Nora, reading, crafting, and taking lots of pictures. Owen loves to read, sing, throw toys, and quote movies. Nora is growing quickly and loves to be the center of attention. We have a wonderful life!

About Me


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Jobs


Well I thought it was my turn to report on how my summer is going,

So, I have come to realize this summer how much I love school. I am not as eager as I once was to graduate and start working full time. In fact, searching for a job is pretty much miserable.

So far this summer I have had two jobs. I started out with an internship working for the Fremont group in San Francisco. It was a research internship and I gained a lot of great experience. I was able to do a lot of informal interviews with people in the firm and really enjoyed myself. I had my own office on the top floor of the building, and it was incredible.

The second job I have had this summer has been helping the accountant at a small technology company in Berkeley. They are called Cantaloupe Systems and they sell remote sensors for vending machines. I was mostly helping as a collections clerk, trying to get the company up to date on their accounts receivable. It was good experience, but I am glad to be finished there.

On Monday I start my last job of the summer.
I am going back to work at Pool Chlor doing what I did the summer after my mission. It isn't the most prestigious summer job for my resume, but it pays really well and I will be done working by 1pm everyday which will be really nice. I will also enjoy spending more time outside and developing my farmer's tan.

On August 25 we are making the long drive back up to Provo to begin school again,
And I am really excited.

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