The Farrells

The Farrells
Matt, Nicki, Owen and Nora live in the San Francisco Bay area. Matt is a research analyst at CBRE and is loving his job. Nicki spends her time playing with Owen and Nora, reading, crafting, and taking lots of pictures. Owen loves to read, sing, throw toys, and quote movies. Nora is growing quickly and loves to be the center of attention. We have a wonderful life!

About Me


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Giant Bubble

Because we can, that's why.

Taping the sides together.
Owen loves to help.

Looking at daddy from the inside.

He gave us a bit more air and then scrambled in.

Owen discovers that he can do the splits easily on the slippery plastic.


So excited to be in here.

Looks kind of like ET.

So fun! Owen has been walking around for the last couple days saying "giant bubble!!!"

Friday, September 24, 2010


These pics are way late, but this is what we did for Matt's dad's 50th birthday last month - went indoor skydiving. The pics aren't great quality (it was too hard to take pictures through the scratched glass), but you can see what it was all about. It was expensive, but it was soooo fun!

And this is the cake that Matt and I made for his dad's 50th birthday. (It's Mount Kilimanjaro, in case you couldn't tell :).